September Mond


September Mond is the fourth series of about 10 different tree/flower generative art works, which have come together over the last 10 years and will be released here on fxhash over the next time (i think untill end of 2024).

It will be released on the occasion of the 'blue supermoon' — the biggest and brightest full moon of the year.

This project explores a minimalist approach to tree naturalism using a recursive algorithm and includes two traits: a density layer of trees, a for the size of the moon.

Press [s] in live view to download a high resolution png.

Artist notes:
Since I moved to Wandlitz, north of Berlin, in the middle of the "Naturpark Barnim" (, in 2003,
I've done a lot of exploring nearby nature. In addition to the beautiful lake and heath landscapes, I fell in love with the wild acacia forests. These strange trees, sometimes more like huge wild grasses, grow so wildly into each other.
Sitting under acacia trees in some full moon warm summer nights inspired the "September Mond" work.

Project link:
Many thanks to jesse (jbird) for the good collaboration, which ultimately made it possible to get this work released.

copyright © 2023 | license cc 4.0 BY-NC-ND

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