

Star maps, schematics, or just fragments of a memory … many things are lost to time, but these remain.
Each Remainder is composed entirely of points and lines generated from two randomly selected parametric equations involving the modulo operation, as a testament to the ancient and timeless beauty of mathematics. The equations are computed over variable sized grids and drawn in multiple layers, giving rise to a variety of shapes and texture. A GPU is required for rendering the output.

This artwork is interactive. Press [i] and [z] to reveal invisible ink and hidden layers. Try alternating the two keys to create your own unique output.
Press [s] to save the current view as an image.

Elsif 2022, made with p5js.

This page has been generated using fx_hash public API, to display an overview of a creator's collection from The computation of "rarity" is not the official computation and therefore can differ. Dev by @zancan.