anaverse - Ruptures


Estienne x anaglyphic

Ruptures is a collaborative reinterpretation of how beauty can emerge from broken shapes.

Starting from a simple and regular geometric shape, Ruptures breaks the initial visual monotony thanks to a recursive division system applied to the triangles of the initial polygon.

To rotate the Rupture token, hover its viewport.

To activate the anaglyphic perspective, click on the barcode.


This generative token is an anaverse-enabled token. It will be available on directly after signing.

/!\ Please read this description carefully

/!\ This token does NOT make any network requests. If you see a token looking like anaglyphic tokens sending network requests, check the wallet of the issuer and report it if it isn't from the current verified account.

/!\ Anaglyphic generative tokens that are not linked to this verified anaglyphic wallet will not be loadable in the anaverse. Always check the identity of the issuer.

This page has been generated using fx_hash public API, to display an overview of a creator's collection from The computation of "rarity" is not the official computation and therefore can differ. Dev by @zancan.