Waves: Serenity


All of my work is about WAVES, and GODS (and quantum mechanics).

I think when I use the term “Waves”, I think I mean the patterns in nature which we humans have managed  -  within our limited cognitive abilities  -  to collectively recognize, decipher and formalize into equations and theories, often that we somehow even find elegant or beautiful - whatever that may mean. And when I use the term “God”, I think I mean those mysterious aspects of nature which we have yet to understand, and the lengths that we will go to, the stories we will tell, to try and make sense of it all. And with the term “quantum mechanics”, I think I mean the fringes of human knowledge, which we empirically know to be quite accurate, and can understand through the language of mathematics. However, we’re not yet able to fully comprehend on a broader, more human level.

I <3 waves :)

See also more incarnations of WAVES on hicetnunc / memoakten

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