Underwater Dances

Victor Doval128/128

...Geometric shapes moving smoothly as silk in the ocean.
Moire patterns of a digital world that breath and dream.
Distorted waves looping to the rhythm of your perception...

1-5 Speed Selection
Q-W-E-R-T-Y Camera Selection
Up/Down Fine Speed control (Faster/Slower)
S Save PNG Frame (in live mode)
G Save GIF Animation (in live mode)

15 % of monochrome
10 % of white background
16 Base Hue
10 Base Brightness
5 Brightness variations
16 Hue variations

Created with p5.js and gif.js by Victor Doval @vicdoval (2021)
Designed to be seen in Google Chrome 96.0.4664.45

This page has been generated using fx_hash public API https://api.fxhash.xyz/graphql/, to display an overview of a creator's collection from www.fxhash.xyz. The computation of "rarity" is not the official computation and therefore can differ. Dev by @zancan.