« Si-operator » is part of the interactive minting experience at Proof of X with KUMALEON, Tokyo, 2023
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust after oxygen however it is currently the most used chemical element for performing computations. Like carbon, silicon is able to bond and create molecules that are complex enough to carry information.
To date, no organosilicon DNA equivalent has been observed.
* What/How *
LIVE : 2.56 millions particles allows to visualize the effects of a subdimensional force field. Instrument adapts to signal perturbations.
Capture : High-resolution capture of the phenomenon involving 8.5 millions particles.
* Mint preview / Capture *
Minter will get both
- a randomly deterministic infinite generative animation
- a 4K PNG (2160 x 2160 px bitmap)
* Technics *
This experience is designed to run on a recent GPU (>2016) and displayed on square or rectangle screens from FHD to 8K+ (1920x1080 → 7680x4320) at 60FPS for infinite duration.
- Code written in JavaScript / WebGL / GLSL shaders
- Uses the ThreeJS library
- Unique, random, deterministic, infinite generative animation
* Controls *
Recommended : open in a new tab and click the black square to go fullscreen
Mouse wheel : in presence of a stable signal, use wheel to zoom in/out.
Mouse drag : move the sample in the observation field.
Keyboard "X" : in LIVE mode, applies a perturbation to trigger observation of a different eigenstate
Keyboard "Space" : take a PNG capture of the current view (max 1920x1080 px) — technically limited to 3 captures by session
@HAL09999 – June 16th, 2023