
Cristian Rohr250/250

'Varillas' is a series of 250 generative artworks.

My goal was to generate the sensation of organized randomness.

Several followers noted the similarity of many artworks generated by this system to Mikado. In Argentina Mikado is known as 'chinese sticks'. 'Varillas' are long thin rods of wood or metal, in this case generative.


Press 'e' to export a high resolution PNG



Palette: 24 palettes
Duration: Length of the animation
Steps: Animation steps
Density: Sticks density
Grain: Texture
Length: Sticks length
Width: Sticks Width
Spacing: Separation between sticks
Frame: With or without frame
FrameWidth: Width of the frame
Organized: Respect diagonal organization or not
Sticks: Amount of sticks


Artwork by @cristianrohr 2022.

Made with P5js and <3.

This page has been generated using fx_hash public API, to display an overview of a creator's collection from The computation of "rarity" is not the official computation and therefore can differ. Dev by @zancan.