Cables and Clouds


Capturing clouds... an old dream of mad scientist... coming true...
But wait... are they real clouds ? Maybe... maybe not...
Is it the real life ?
Is this just fantasy ?

Press h in live mode to list the possibilities.
Key 's' : Save an image of the output at the current resolution
Key 1-9 : Change resolution
Key 'c' to change color palette
Key 'd' to toggle a special color mode to highlight the different components (and have the number of points used in your specific drawing).

18 different features displayed (format, color palettes, main elements characteristics, rare elements...).

Copyright (c) 2022 TidallyDisruptedStar. Twitter: @TidallyD.
Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see LICENSE.txt for more information.

This page has been generated using fx_hash public API, to display an overview of a creator's collection from The computation of "rarity" is not the official computation and therefore can differ. Dev by @zancan.