Glimpse Of Draeconian Epidermis & Tapestry


Discover the artistic style and bold fashion of your favorite Reptilian overlords, the *Draeconians*!

Those NFTs are pictures, sure, but more intricately they are *Glimpses* of what these magnificent scaled shapeshifters are able to create using their sophisticated *Epidermis* machinery.

Nevertheless, and as it is the case for some humans in our world, you'll probably notice eventually that more often than not, the output products are better suited to be used as *Tapestry* rather than clothes or skin...

- 42 palettes aka Pigmentore's Names
- 4 rendering techniques aka Workore's Names
- 5 types of patterns aka Designore's Tribes...
- ... which result into more than 40 different patterns aka Designore's Names
- 5 transformations aka Designore's Traits
- etc.

About me:
I am MaKRz, a creative coder and generative artist living in Lisbon area. I like to take inspiration in real life and nature (animals, landscapes, buildings) to start with a concept and eventually totally mess it up.
Check out @MaKRz666 on Twitter.

Made with p5js

This page has been generated using fx_hash public API, to display an overview of a creator's collection from The computation of "rarity" is not the official computation and therefore can differ. Dev by @zancan.